Oh Those Flights...

Saturday 11 May 2013

NOT Good:

Our experience on Virgin Airlines

We were so excited to try out Virgin Airlines from Vancouver to England as it is such a long trip, and as per the commercials, Richard Branson himself speaks to the luxury of his airline. However, our first experience of Virgin was less than impressive. The rows were so close together we could barely squeeze into our seats. Neither my husband or myself are large people, so can't imagine what a taller or broader traveller would experience.

I wanted to read my tablet yet there was no space between myself and the seat ahead of me; THEN the gentleman traveller in front let his seat back. . . I was literally staring at the back of his head directly in front of my face until our first meal arrived. Our seats would not recline at all (keeping in mind this is an 8.5hr flight) and try as we might to stretch or cross our legs, there was no way to do that. We were seated in the centre section and as we looked at the seats across the aisle from us (window seats) we realized the rows were further apart than ours.

The staff was kind and we did receive a traveller kit with mini toothbrush, toothpaste and a sleep mask. But it certainly did not make up for our discomfort.

Chances are that we would NOT choose to fly Virgin again.

The Return Ticket gives Virgin Airlines: One ticket out of five

KLM Airlines

This was such a great flight! From the staff right as we checked in, to the flight attendants on board,  even as we left the airport... very friendly, very polite and the best customer service.

There was plenty of room between the seats and the aisles, and the seats were actually comfortable... oh yes they were! And it wasn't the hot towels we were all given to freshen up with that made me just think they were comfortable.. they actually were...  

The meals were delicious, actually DELICIOUS and there was enough to eat... mhmm there was. I know, right?! 

We took this route to go to England as it was the only way we could get there on the dates we wanted and we would go this route again, since we had such a great experience. 

The Return Ticket gives KLM Airlines: Four tickets out of five

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